Date Lecture Topics
8/30 Lecture 1.1:
Course introduction
[ slides | video ]

Multimodal core challenges
Course syllabus

9/1 Lecture 1.2:
Multimodal applications and datasets
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Research tasks and datasets
Team projects

9/6 Lecture 2.1:
Basic concepts: neural networks
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Gradient and optimization
Loss functions and neural networks

9/8 Lecture 2.2:
Unimodal representations
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Dimensions of heterogeneity
Visual representations

9/13 Lecture 3.1:
Unimodal representations
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Language representations
Signals, graphs and other modalities

9/15 Lecture 3.2:
Multimodal representations
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Cross-modal interactions
Multimodal fusion

9/20 Lecture 4.1:
Multimodal representations
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Coordinated representations
Multimodal fission

9/22 Lecture 4.2:
Multimodal alignment and grounding
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Explicit alignment
Multimodal grounding

9/27 Lecture 5.1: Project Hours (live working sessions instead of lectures)
9/29 Lecture 5.2:
Aligned representations
[ slides | video ]

Self-attention transformer models
Masking and self-supervised learning

10/4 Lecture 6.1: Multimodal aligned representations
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Multimodal transformers
Video and graph representations

10/6 Lecture 6.2:
Multimodal Reasoning
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Structured and hierarchical models
Memory models

10/11 Lecture 7.1:
Multimodal Reasoning
[ slides | video ]

Reinforcement learning
Discrete structure learning

10/13 Lecture 7.2:
Multimodal Reasoning
[ slides | video ]

Logical and causal inference
External knowledge

10/18 Lecture 8.1:
Fall Break Break – No lectures
10/20 Lecture 8.2:
Fall Break – No lectures
10/25 Lecture 9.1:
[ slides | video ]

Translation, summarization, creation
{"Generative models"=>"VAEs"}

10/27 Lecture 9.2:
[ slides | video ]

GANs and diffusion models
Model evaluation and ethics

11/1 Lecture 10.1:
Project Hours
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11/3 Lecture 10.2:
Project Hours
[ slides | video ]

11/8 Lecture 11.1:
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Modality transfer
Multimodal co-learning

11/10 Lecture 11.2:
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Heterogeneity and interactions
Biases and fairness

11/15 Lecture 12.1:
Project Hours
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Project Hours

11/17 Lecture 12.2:
New research directions
[ slides | video ]

Recent approaches in multimodal ML

11/22 Lecture 13.1:
Thanksgiving Week – No Class –
[ slides | video ]

11/24 Lecture 13.2: Thanksgiving Week – No Class –
[ slides | video ]

11/30 Lecture 14.1: Language, Vision, and Actionst
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Motion and navigation
Robots and embodied AI

12/2 Lecture 14.2:
Multimodal Applications
[ slides | video ]

Healthcare and affective computing
Artificial social intelligence

12/6 Lecture 15.1: Final project assignment (live working sessions instead of lectures)
12/8 Lecture 15.2: Final project assignment (live working sessions instead of lectures)